We would like to express this thought. We must be careful of the illusions. The attack against our liberation struggle is intense. The insanity of greed and genocide is spreading a war against the natural world unparalleled in human history. We are only a minute part of the natural world. Yet how we handle ourselves and this situation can either create a balance or aid and abet the enemy in our destruction. The enemy attack depends on our reactions to feed its justification. In this generation, the enemy has controlled the economic and political environment since our arrival to this life. Through this control, the enemy has conditioned us to react. React to his initiative of greed. The Industrialist is the enemy. His power is money and exploitation. Brutality is his nature.
Industrialism views the earth as property. He feels he should own the world. He created God in his own image. Put him in heaven, his place away from the world the industrialist owns. Industrialism owns colonial empires called countries and governments. Industrialism wants to own all the countries and governments and thrives on hate and rage. Hate and rage fit into the private property part of the industrial profit machine. Men are blinded. They struggle for economics and political ideologies in their revolutions of hate and rage. Hate and rage are only directed at and against things and life. The enemy hates and rages in his exploitative brutality.
We must be careful of the traps ahead. Hate is greed. Rage is greed. Ego is greed. Jealousy is greed. Isolation is greed. Brutality is greed. Escapism is greed. Ignorance is greed. We must deny the industrialist his greed. Our liberation is respect and love of Earth and its People. Respect and love are not private property. They are emotions to be directed at or against things and life. Respect and love are an understanding of life. The enemy has no understanding of life. This is our defense. Deny the enemy control. We must protect Earth and life out of our respect and love, not hate of the enemy. We cannot carry that burden for it is always hungry and will consume us too. When we stand in defense of Earth and the people, we must do it because it must be done. Our strength is connected to the real world not to the brutal distortions of the industrialist. To him life has no meaning. It is cheap in his money and power mentality. We are to defend the world for the next generations, so our actions must be more than for our personal satisfaction. Our next generations have to deal with how we handle ourselves. The less confusion we pass along to them the better their survival chances are. All of our battles must be defended. There is no balance. In the Natural world there is always balance after the storm. It all depends on our perception.
We must remember the Power of Earth. Think about stopping our wars, use our energy for the power of the storm. The struggle is long in man-time but passes quickly in generation time. Use our respect and love to remember life; our anger to remember and to protect it. In the long ago time when our people sacrificed, they really did. We pray for the People. Honor Earth and Sky. ~
SOURCE: California Aggie