“We’re all children of earth. It’s about the DNA, the ancestors and the descendants. Us. We have the responsibility to take care of the life that this planet is.”
“We’re not here to run high tech economic slave states, and pretend that that’s not what’s going on. We’re not here to mentally beat one another up, or be abusive towards one another, or ourselves. That’s not why we’re here. We’re here to take care of life. We need to understand about our spirit. We have a spirit. We are Spirit. But see, the religious mindset of the male-dominating god doesn’t recognize spirit. It recognizes religion. And authority. And chain of command. And obedience. But it doesn’t recognize spirit.”
When we enter into this reality we are not told about spiritual realities. We are told about religious realities. We are not taught about respect and responsibility. We’re taught about obedience and submission. We’re not taught about our affect in the universe and our responsibilities in life. We are taught that we are guilty. About the guilt, sin and blame. We are not taught to appreciate life. We are taught to fear God.”
“Democracy. Why do the women in this country support the democracy? Why do the white males who do not own property support the democracy? Why do the black people support the Democracy? The whole concept of majority rule reduced us to the smallest numerical minority. And everybody gives democracy the big rah rah. Hunted us down and killed us, right in through this generation. Has not relented one little bit. So I know why the tribes aren’t real open to it.”
“We need to make changes in this world. Within ourselves, so we can take care of our ancestor descendant responsibilities. We need to become coherent. We need to become coherent enough to feel good enough about ourselves. To know that we can challenge and question these concepts of democracy, without having to be afraid.”
“Now back to this. All my adult life I’ve seen a lot of things. The anti-war, and the women’s rights in the 60s and the 70s. Everybody was doing it in the context of the defined illusionary or theoretical democracy, but they wanted to save the democracy. And while everybody has been busy saving democracy, the problems we’re facing get worse and worse. In the last 20 years the manipulation of the economics have enslaved future generations, for the next six or seven. While everyone’s busy saving the Democracy, it continues to hide its nuclear and poison toxic waste. It tries to put it on our lands. It’s distributing it somewhere, while everyone’s busy trying to save the democracy.”
“Alright, back to the founding papers. See women didn’t have the right to vote on what the democracy is going to be all about because they weren’t intelligent enough. So it’s written there, they can’t vote. White males set down and they made up the rules that everyone is going to embrace. Blacks couldn’t because they were property. And [many] white males couldn’t vote on it because they didn’t have any property. See, they had no value. And the Indians couldn’t because the Indians were the majority, so they just called them the enemy.”
“So we need to find a way to trust ourselves enough to know that what we think and what we know is right. What we know is right. It’ll all be perceived a little differently amongst us because we’re all different. We all see reality a little bit differently because we’re individuals. But there’s a basic knowledge that we have inside of us about what is right and what is not. We have the ability to look at the situation much more coherently than we currently do. We have the ability to do it.”
“One interesting thing about the creative process and use of the mind and our creative ability is, if we have a miserable neurotic life, that’s what we’re using our creative energy to create. It isn’t like the brain is dead and this is just happening of its own will. So to understand that, it’s just how we decide to use our creative ability to see. It doesn’t guarantee instant happiness or all the answers. But what it does, it starts to clear up the reality a little bit. And the more we clear up what’s going on, the more coherently we can see. The more clearly we can see, the more coherently we will conduct ourselves. Because it’s a mind set. It is how we use our minds.”
“Because the whole thing is a lie. This whole definition of power defines greed and brutality as power. It’s all a lie. It’s concepts of justice, all a lie. But the lie is acceptable because they’ve taken the society collectively and turned it into what you call a consumer society. But in my view I call it a junky society. Their needles are different. And what they’re shooting up their arm, or up their soul, or up their spirit, it’s just different form. So everyone accepts the lie because of the promise. The promise of more. It’s just like someone using heroin on the street. But this is permissible until they get us to put up with the lie.” ~
SOURCE: Pacifica Radio