EARTH FIRST JOURNAL: Earth First! has changed a lot since it hit the scene in late 1979. Then it was about property destruction or monkeywrenching and less popular redneck-type wilderness politics. Since the late ’80s, EF! has moved strongly toward a strategy of above- ground nonviolent direct action — basically a lot of civil disobedience. Some EF! groups even publicly denounce monkeywrenching now. What do you think EF!’s role should be in the environmental movement today?
JOHN TRUDELL: To always promote and keep alive the consciousness of the Earth. I think that is what it should be about, regardless of what the difference of opinion may be about whether it is spiking trees or sitting in trees, these are just tactics that people are working out to accomplish the one thing that Earth First! needs to stick by and that is protecting the Earth. I think that one thing for people to remember is that all things on this planet are different. It is how all the different things work together that makes the balance. So, within Earth First! there must be an understanding that there are different ways to get things done. If nothing else, whether or not people agree with the differences at this point, I would say that every idea should be respected.
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