“There are no words to explain [my feelings]. I’ve tried many times, but those words just don’t exist.”
“I started writing as a result of that [fire]. In my realities it was the parting gift from Tina. So when she gave me that, I hung on to that because I didn’t have a lot of things to hang on to.”
“I don’t think politics allows us to speak the truth, because in order to maintain some semblance or pretense of unity or pretense of getting along, people have to suppress their realities.”
“It’s all therapy for me. I don’t trust anyone enough to go sit in a psychiatrist’s office and let them go through my brain. Yet I’ve got to rant.” – On his poetry.
“I’m not sure, because at times I hear a lot of positive feedback but nobody will put me on their stage. I just know that some people like it and some people don’t, some people get it and some people don’t. So I don’t really concern myself. I do it because I have to.”
“This society, they refuse to recognize who we are. We’re not Indians – Indians live in India. And we’re not Native Americans – Native Americans are anyone born in the United States of America. We’re The People. We’ve always called ourselves The People.”
“In my way and manner and fashion, maybe I’m trying to address that. So if anyone hears any of this in any way and it helps them remember they’re a human being, then I’m doing my job.” ~
SOURCE: The Dallas Morning News