“I don’t believe in civil rights. It’s human rights I am for.”
“The solution to our country’s problems isn’t jail, or alcohol, or churches, or higher education, but people.”
“We, the Indians of the nation are tired of being lied about. We’re tired of being portrayed as seen in the John Wayne westerns.”
“When the Indians stayed on their reservations and got drunk, and fought and shot and killed between themselves, it was ok. Now that we try to organize and call the political system corrupt, they call us militant, radical, Communists, and subversive.”
“My country is much older than these leaders. If Lincoln really freed the blacks in the 1800s, then why are they suffering now?”
“The Indians want the right to live. We are tired of being corrupted, lied to and exploited. We want a right to control our land and our lives. We stand for community control and the humanity of people.”
“All white america has been programmed by the federal government against the Indian through movies, history books and others. You see us now as melted Indians.”
“I’m tired of being somewhere and having the riot squad sent in. Then they start the riot, and it is blamed on us. And the American public buys it. Why would I attack anyone with an M16? Why would we start fights that we can’t physically win? You’ve got to believe we are stupid to do those things.” ~
SOURCE: El Paso Times