Open Fire: Or The FBI’s History Lesson | November, 1976

“We’re as natural to the land as the trees that stand outside your window.”

“Three hundred and eighty-four treaties have been signed and 384 were broken. No one ever stood trial for breaking those laws. When a person is charged with committing a crime in your society he is not brought to our society to be tried.”

“Our culture has been changed in such a way that it can never go back to what it was.”

“There’s no place on earth that the Indian could lead the life of his choosing today. But oppressors and money are transient things. They come and go. The land is forever. As long as there is land, we will never give up.”

“Anna Mae was a fighter. She used to say that as long as your skin is brown, you were born fighting.”

“We know how to call on a power that the government just doesn’t understand.”

“You won’t be able to get away with what you’re doing much longer.” – John Trudell addressing police outside courtroom. ~

SOURCE: Crawdaddy. Vol 11, No. 11