Spoken Word Tour – Evergreen State College – Olympia, WA. | 1994

I’d like to first of all thank you for being here. I’m glad I’m here. And if I say anything that you don’t agree with, let’s just leave it at that. It’s not about anything other than whatever comes out, comes out. I’m gonna start with some poems.

[John Trudell reads one of his poems]

Just so we have an understanding. I come from the tribes, I have that much of my identity. And when I look at what’s happening here, in the Western Hemisphere, I can’t forget that tribal memory. I may not know the language, I may not know many things, but I do know many things also. But what I remember with my genetic memory, which is the basis of many of my realities, is that the way that people need to live with this hemisphere, with the earth in reality, but with this hemisphere, is the people need to live with the earth. Not on it. Not from it. With it. To me democracy is the enemy of the tribes. To me, technologic industrial civilization is the enemy of the tribes. It is the enemy of the natural world, to me. The concept of male dominating gods, to me is the enemy of the natural world.

And with democracy, we’ll start with this. Before there was a democracy, or before there was even the concept of democracy, the tribes were the majority of the people on this hemisphere. Then came the democracy. And now there is a democracy and the tribes are the smallest numerical minority. See so I have a problem with that. It makes the whole abstraction that people keep hurtling about democracy. It makes it a very ugly lie, to me. The reasoning and the excuses that are made; that’s not the way democracy is supposed to work. I don’t accept that. To me, democracy does exactly what it was created and designed to do. It was created and designed to protect and perpetuate the interest of the ruling class land owner. Now, if America is the seat of democracy. Understand this. If you are a white male you didn’t get to vote or have any say in the concept because you had no value if you didn’t own land. If you were a woman you were considered to be inferior so therefore you had no say because your intelligence was not respected. If you were black you were property so therefore you had no say. And if you were from the tribes, an Indian, you were the majority, so therefore you were the enemy. Because the idea of majority, well obviously couldn’t work, with their perception.

Now, I bring this up not to confuse it. Communism, Capitalism, Socialism, Nazism, they’re all to me different ways of painting the face of the predator. They’re different masks that this small industrial ruling class, this ethnic rich. These are the ways they paint the mask on so that everyone thinks it’s a little bit different. But the net result of this is that there are a ethnic ruling class. An industrial rich. A small minority of people. That profit. From all of this. See and now for me, as a tribe, see, I don’t want to get into your political messes and concepts. But see, it threatens our survival and our life. If the American people don’t start to get it pretty soon about what is going on, that’s an immediate threat to us. See now we have survived to this point because we’ve had the enemy and we’ve had the sympathizers and somehow that’s kind of just, it’s kept us alive in some bizarre abstract way. But now they’re talking about New World Order. And they’re talking about many many things. See so for us as tribes, it’s in our best interest that somehow the citizens of America start to understand what is happening. But there seems to be a problem in getting the citizens to really think about it because see, it’s unamerican, it’s like almost planted in the mind it’s negative to question democracy. See, so nobody even wants to think it. See so every decision that you make to correct the problem you keep it in this abstraction that has no respect for any abused voice. Because it is what it is, and what it was created, is what it is. It was created to protect the interest of the ruling class property owner.

Now we are being faced with serious things. The way that they have discovered of murdering the air and the water and attacking the earth with this new deadliness that they have created. These new concepts and forms of death that have been created. And we have to face that. See, like in Europe they the plagues, and they had these times during the Dark Ages in Europe when all this death, because of the uncleanliness. The human uncleanliness ravaged Europe at some point in the Dark Ages. Well now there’s a technological uncleanliness and it’s ravaging the environment that the people need to live. See so literally our act has to be cleaned up. Somewhere in here we need to at least not be afraid to think and consider the realities of what are going on. Because DNA, descendant and ancestor. Descendant and ancestor. So we are the descendants, but we are also the ancestors. So somewhere in here we have a responsibility. We have a responsibility to take care of our descendants. The ones we are the ancestors to. We have a responsibility to do that.

[John Trudell reads one of his poems]

Our relationship to the earth. And the reality of power. The reality of power, not the illusion of authority. See authority, see, we’ve been programmed with this great illusion that authority is power. But it’s not. See authority is something else. Power is something else. Power, real power, is in our relationship to the earth and the universe. Real power is in relationship with us to ourselves. Human being. Human physical being spirit. Real power is in the relationship of the human, to the being, to the earth. Now that’s what real power is. Everything else is an illusion of real power. And it only becomes power when we step into the illusion and no longer understand the reality in some reverse way.

Now our relationship to the earth. See our relationship to the earth changed with the concept of the male dominating God. Because the male dominating God, the notion of the male dominant God, is that all spiritual or religious spiritual value was converted to religious value and placed above the earth. Above the earth. Changing the relationship of all of the people to viewing the earth as the mother entity. It changed that perception to one of a male, removed from the earth. See and after that change came then it became alright to attack the earth. And the attitude became from protecting the earth to exploiting the earth.

Now what we have in common, DNA, we all have the DNA of the earth. We are made-up, flesh and blood is of the materials of the earth. So we all have that. That’s who we are. We are a part of the earth. We are Earth and water. That’s what we are. So obviously in terms of real power our connection is into protecting that. Because that’s what we are a part of. But the male dominating God theory, well, see at one time, our DNA all comes from the earth, within what I call our genetic memory is the information that goes all the way back to our beginning. We are the ancestors and the descendants. See what every one of us in this room have in common is that at some point in the history of our people we were all tribes. Every one of us are descendants from tribes. And the way that the tribes resisted within the more recent history, was the same way your ancestors resisted in the ancient history. Nobody took the male dominating god thing willingly.

Now this has everything in the world to do with sexism. See because prior to that there really wasn’t this whole notion of sexism, when we were the tribes. See sexism came with the establishment of the concept of a male God. But with the tribes everybody understood the value of male-female in the natural real world. So there was this tremendous amount of respect because people understood the balance of power. So the woman had to be attacked because she represented the earth. She represented too much in the minds of the people.

So the tribes of Europe they related to the earth as the mother, but in terminology as the goddess. And the serpent was close to the earth and represented the goddess. See and they knew they couldn’t erase that from the minds of the people. So what they did was they created Adam and Eve. And the Garden of Eden. Then the woman and the serpent are teamed up, but it brought sin. This was deliberately done. And I say this because it’s as factual as I can understand it to be. For us it’s in our best interest to understand the realities that we have to deal with. Because at some point we have to face our responsibility, about the DNA. About our role in the continuation and the evolution. See and the way that to me it’s obviously going is that, they’re probably in the end, is no political solution or no economic solution or no military solution. There is no existing solution. We have to create it.

See more than save the democracy. More than save the male dominating God concepts, which basically have to do with obedience and subservience. More than to saving these dominating feeding predatory concepts, at some point we’re going to have to make a decision. Are we going to protect this earth? Or are we going to protect these things that have been designed to feed off of us? Designed to feed off of us.

Predatory energy. Predatory energy. The same way they can take and mine the resources of the earth and turn it into a fuel to run the machine electrical world that we’re becoming more and more a part of. There’s a way that they have created to mine the spirit. Human being. Human physical being spirit. To mine the being through the human. To feed off of our spirit and our essence. See because then, when they’re feeding off of that there’s no way there can be any balance or any clarity, and we need excess. We need these other things that the other energy system is creating. And just as we see any other energy system, the things mined that make the resources; we look at the world, the electric neon world we’re in now. Well we see the results, the pollution. People become more and more environmentally aware. We see the pollution and the poisoning and what’s happening.

The internal mining process, the mining of the being through the human. Well, every insecurity and fear and paranoia that you have, don’t want to face, every self-doubt is the pollution left over from the mining of our essence, our spirit. Because it’s in the best interest of the predator that number one, we don’t see clearly. Because it’s all about perception. It’s a diseased spirit. Columbus was a diseased spirit. He was human form and all that, but he was a diseased spirit and everybody that came with him was carrying the same disease. It like a disease possession. It’s like somebody possessed them. Civilization possessed them. So therefore they were driven mad by possession and they had to possess and they changed everything from the perception of possession. Love came from possession. It turned into possession. Hate turned into possession. Joy, everything turned into possession. And therefore nothing was free again. And it drove the people mad, see but because everybody was obedient and going along with the established new terminology and things, see, it was called normal.

But the behavior, you look at the history of the behavior, the behavior was very very aggressive. The history of Western civilization is based upon intense, intense amounts of blood sacrifice. They sacrificed your ancestors, the tribes, in order to get you to accept what you accept today. They terrorized. Psychological warfare and brutal warfare, until the people accepted. When Columbus came here was during the time of the Inquisition. Europe was in the 400th year of approximately, what they defined the five hundred year period of Inquisition.

Because your European ancestors were still praying the old ways. They were still following the spirits. They were still relating to the old ways. So the Inquisition became the means and the vehicle of establishing the authority of the church over the people on the land. Turning the church into basically God on earth. And in order to get the people to accept that whole concept they had the Inquisition. The Inquisition was basically, if you challenge that concept you were guilty of heresy. And if you were accused of it, you were guilty. See so like, if I accuse you of heresy then you got to go in front of the board. And he says, you’re all guilty. And it’s mandatory that we have to torture you. We have to do it, it was mandatory that anybody accused had to be tortured and they were automatically guilty. They were automatically guilty and had to be tortured and then killed. And anybody that was guilty, then the church got to take all their property. Five hundred years. Five hundred years, approximately this went on. So by the time Columbus got here in the 400th year of it, see they were all insane. They had been driven mad.

[John Trudell reads one of his poems]

Now, about religion. See to me there’s a difference between religion and spirit. And I personally think that religion is a way of feeding upon spirit. We have a spiritual responsibility to life in the universe. See, spirit and responsibility are like one thought. We have a spiritual responsibility. But these dominator religions, they don’t teach us about spiritual responsibility. They teach us about guilt, sin and blame. The trinity of the chain. See but that whole concept of guilt, sin and blame is not about responsibility. It’s about not taking responsibility. It’s about blame. It’s about shifting responsibility. See but once we get the concept of guilt, sin and blame, and once we get it, that it applies to us. Just for being here.

And when they were creating sexism, see there were these monks or whoever they are, they were all men. They never took baths and they never saw a woman. That tells me something about the coverage you’re gonna get, right? And that’s a historical factual reality, I mean, I’m not being blasphemous or sacrilegious. I didn’t create it, I’m only a victim of it.

But about our responsibility. The reality is we enter into this world and we will leave this world. That’s the way that it works. But in the technologic male dominator God civilization it’s called birth and death, and it’s given a different meaning. And through religious definition it is basically saying that everybody’s guilty for being born. The number one crime is just being here. There was a train of thought going on that our sin had to do with because we came out of a woman’s body. See there were people that influenced the religions you believe in, that thought like that. There was the sin. Which I find interesting.

But once it sinks into the mind about the industrial concept of death, see it’s not about spirit. See, I mean you look at it, if you are a good religious person and you obey and accept all of the injustice and all of the aggression and accept all of the wrong, the lie, and the deceit and the doublespeak and the illusion and everything and accept all of those things, then you will go to heaven. And in heaven you will meet a male God sitting on a physical throne, streets of gold, pearly gates. All material. What about the spirit? But if you don’t obey, then you go to hell. See down there it’s a man with tail and a pitchfork and fire. All physical world concept. Material world concept. Nothing about the spirit. So they plant those concepts and then tell us when we enter into this reality that we’re guilty for being here. See, so they already tell us we’re on the road to hell. And only by being subservient to their brutality and aggression and hypocrisy can we redeem ourselves. That’s the practical reality of religion. And I do not mean to offend anyone, right, but the reality is maybe we should be offended by that practical reality.

Now the guilt part. We enter into this reality, and when we enter into this reality as human beings our life becomes a continuum of experiences. We have one experience after another. And part of the reasoning of that is, we are to learn from those experiences to help us deal with the next experiences. So, whatever experience we encounter, we are not to judge ourselves by it. We are not to condemn ourselves by the negative experiences. We just got to figure out, well I’ve had these experiences now, so we need to figure out how to keep from having those experiences as we enter on into our journey. To learn from what has happened to us. But we’re not supposed to take it as little balls and chains, all right, and weigh ourselves down with it.

Now when we were all in our tribal common ancestry, let’s go back 10,000 years and we were all tribes. See when we were all tribes then we had our communities and it was to live in harmony and respect with the universe so everybody in the community taught us the lessons we needed to know. We knew our purpose, we knew what we were doing, we knew everything was good for us. So we didn’t make as many mistakes. And there was no guilt, sin and blame. It was about spiritual. About responsibility as a human being. We have that in a common past. See, then it got changed.

And the other thing I want add in this before I forget is about the respectability of advertising. The acceptability and respectability of advertising. It’s so normal. But every advertisement basically is an attack against our essence and our spirit because every advertisement is basically telling us that our value will increase by what we consume. It’s almost like genocide. Spiritual genocide. Genocide against the spirit, and I kind of think it’s working. The reason I kind of think it’s working is, America right now looks like Jonestown to me. In a very suicidal frame of mind. Because the American citizens, they don’t listen to the teachings of their ancient ones. They don’t listen to the teachings of their past. They listen to industrial ruling class exploiters. They don’t feel spiritually connected to their past. And the way they listen to their industrial exploiters it shows me, by the condition that the earth is being turned into, that they have no spiritual relationship to their descendants. It’s like whatever this thing is, it’s eating up the spirit of the people.

Now the tribes, all the hell we raised and all we get involved in is, we don’t want that to happen to us. That’s what our trip is. We don’t want that to happen to us. Because we see it. And we know that that’s not living. We know that somewhere somebody’s trading living for existing and surviving, and that’s not living. And we must not allow them to trick us into believing or thinking that it is. To survive is to survive. To exist is to exist, and to live is something else.

But we’re programmed to not like ourselves enough or trust ourselves enough to truly do anything. We’re programmed, see that’s what all the doubts and insecurities and all the things, all that pollution, it ends up in our thought process because the negative way this predatory system feeds upon us. See well then obviously it reaches a point, the further we become separated from our spiritual reality, or a reality to the earth, then the more powerless people start to feel. I live in a society as an oppressed person and I understand and recognize that I’m an oppressed person, but I don’t feel powerless. And I turn around and look at the citizens of America, they don’t feel oppressed, they feel powerless. And it makes me have to question, because allegedly they’re the best educated people in the world. How can they feel powerless? They allegedly had the highest economy in the world. How come they feel powerless? You ever feel like something’s missing from your life? That’s what they’re sucking out of you. It’s the energy that’s being taken out. So it’s the problems that we’re confronted with. It’s like see we need to find a cure for this disease. This predatory disease that lives in the spirit, the mind, this disease, we have to find a cure for this disease that affects our perceptions.

And like I’ve said it’s not about revolution. Because to me every revolutionary loses. Because they got to be badder than the bad to get it to change. You know it’s like, once you pick it up it’s hard to put it down. It’s kind of how that one works.

It’s about evolution. See, and number one we’re here at the right time. We’re here at the right time. And two, time is on our side. It’s just a matter of whether we are on time’s side. And what it’s going to take is for us to number one, accept ourselves for who we are. See, I have no identity crisis. My DNA is of this earth. I know who I am. And there’s nothing anybody ever gonna say to change my recognition. I know where I come from. I’m good and bad and a whole mix of a whole lot of things, but that’s me, I accept that. And it doesn’t make me invalid. It doesn’t mean that whatever I have to contribute has no value. See that is us, that is our story. We are human beings. We live in a different time when we don’t have our ancestry. We don’t have the community to teach us the lessons, so within this life we make harder mistakes because it’s a harder world. But in the nature of evolution there’s a reason to all of this and if we would just get it, within a two or three generation period of time we could change everything. If we would use our minds to create those solutions. First we have to accept ourselves. We’re not guilty. We are responsible for whatever we do, but that’s not guilt. And whatever we do, if we can’t live with it and we can’t handle it, then don’t do it. It’s that simple. And if we used to do it and like it but now we realize we shouldn’t have done it, well, enjoy that you liked it. It’s a part of the experience. And we go on. We should never lie to ourselves. We should never lie to ourselves about what we’re up to. Even if we don’t like it. Even if it means it’s a hard face to look at, you know, we shouldn’t lie to ourselves. We should establish our own basis of reality. And the only way we can establish our own basis of reality is to tell ourselves the truth. Because we will start to become more coherent.

We should sort out the lies of self rationalization and self justification, we should know what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. And it will influence and affect our behavior. Because we start to see more clearly. I mean somebody’s gonna start out to do something and then there’s a bad result and they say well that wasn’t my intention. Living the life we never intended. And it made me think about that because a lot of times we’ll run into this where I know people are trying to do something good, but the result wouldn’t be what they intended. See and then kind of come to understand one day that it’s kind of like our ages and our seasons, you know, the four seasons, the four ages. Birth is infant, is identity, you know. And youth, is like learning. And adult is like knowledge, and maybe if we get old it’s like wisdom. They run parallel to the four. But anyway, there’s motive, intent, understanding and action. And a lot of problems that we have in this world is always our intentions will be good but we never question our motives. If our motives are in synchronicity with our intentions, then our understanding will be in synchronicity and therefore our action will. So we should never lie to ourselves about what we’re up to. It will help us. It will help us.

Because our definitions of reality are very necessary. We are born into this reality with the abilities to make those definitions. The existing definitions are just ways of mining our spirit, you know, they tell us whoever’s got the biggest gun is powerful, but that’s about violence, it’s not about power. They tell us whatever controls the most money is powerful, but that’s about greed, that’s not about power. But if we believe those things are power then what does that say about us? See, that’s how we feed it. It’s how it drinks our essence. Through our beliefs. I tried to believe, but I had a problem with it because there’s a lie in the middle. Be-lie-ve. So you know, we know or we don’t. Kinda how it works. But our instincts and our intuitions are a part of knowing. And if we would trust ourselves and accept ourselves we have it all, we have all this information. 

[John Trudell reads one of his poems]

Ok, I’m gonna close here in a minute. And whatever I left hanging then try to figure it out. Because sometimes it’s just that way. America drove me crazy. It’s not a joke. But it’s alright, because I looked at the sane and I thought, wow. Because all this is acceptable to them. Wow. I mean all the sane and the normal they voted for Bill and Hillary and Al. I can’t let him slide you know. See Bill Clinton is just another one of those fake painted masks. His job is to get us to accept what we wouldn’t have accepted with George. Because when George puked in the Emperor’s lap, that was it. I’m serious. That was it for George. Made the good old boys club look, seriously bad. So we got Bill. Because Bill believes in Bill. And he don’t believe in nothing else. Bill believes in Bill. He’s an interesting paradox. Wouldn’t go to Vietnam because he didn’t believe in war, didn’t want to kill women and children, but it’s all right down in Waco to do it. And those people in Waco, these people were executed on the basis of an accusation. See that’s very important. Maybe one of the most important things in Bill Clinton’s whole trip, see because the lies about national health, and all the other lies that he’s telling and he’s programmed to put into us are lies. I mean we will see if I’m nuts or not about this but, but this thing down here was like a direct action. And these people were accused of a crime. Very important to remember that, what, how many people were killed? 80? 90 people? On the basis of an accusation. And America accepted it. Like it was watching Cops. Like it was a TV show. See and it’s a very serious sign to me, a very serious sign about the ruthlessness of the State. And the danger of Bill is that he comes from our generation and everybody’s so desperate to believe. Everybody’s so desperate to shoot up the fix of a promise, that they accept Bill.

But Bill’s problem, see when he said he didn’t inhale, everyone should have understood, I mean really. I know people who never did stop inhaling, and I trust them much more than I trust him. But it was the lie that everybody wanted to hear. See for our generation it was a cute lie. We accept it. But the deal is it opened the door for a whole lot of lies.

Now NAFTA. Look at NAFTA. We’re watching Hillary physically turn plastic, every day, every month that this administration is in office. You look at the pictures of Hillary as the governor’s wife. Look at the pictures of Hillary on Vanity magazine or whatever. Physically, there’s a physical transformation taking place here. Very concerned about that. She needs a health care program. Why I want to say this is because I know how desperate everyone is, and the women are being drawn into this political system. And to the women it’s a big victory, every woman that gets in there.

When you vote for president, I don’t think the computers plugged in. I think that’s a lot of trust to give to one person who, who programs the computers that count the votes. I mean that’s a lot of trust. So anything can go many ways. My own personal opinion is that the presidents aren’t picked by the people anymore. It’s all guerrilla theater, and the decision is made way before. And all of rest is just theater, so that it hypes everybody up and gives them an adrenaline boost and new shot of hope, and then back down to the same old thing.

But NAFTA. If my understanding of NAFTA is correct. As a net result of all these things that are going on they’re going to create what is called or something to the effect of an Economic Policy Board Council that will set economic policy. The economic policies that are set by this group of people, once this board is set into place, their economic decisions supersede all existing Federal, State or local or community laws. And if some country sues because of unfair trade, they have higher environmental standards and it is unfair unfair trade to them. Then they have to change the environmental standard. And you think about that when you think about spotted owls and trees and you think about the rivers and the lakes and you think about all of the things that you’ve been working so hard to get to protect the environment. Excuse my language, but these fucks just went in there and completely took it away from you. And who did it? Al. He beat up on Ross Perot in a debate. Al, the environmental president. See, you’re not gonna get to see this next year. You’re not gonna get to see it next month, but trust me your children will understand it very well. New world order. New world order. Bill Clinton is a part of it. See and I bring this out because we should not be blindly led because we need to believe. We should never lie to ourselves. So when we see whatever is going on we shouldn’t lie to ourselves about it even if we can do no more at the time then tell ourselves the truth about it. But we should call it for what it is. Because otherwise, you know, watch out for the Pied Piper. See and in our generation we’ve always been a threat. If you have a generation or a group of people that are a threat then you find the one that you could work the most reasonably with and you empower him.

So we have a generation that has always been a threat. The baby boom generation rebelled against the system as it was, and the reason the baby boom generation rebelled had to do with economics. America was the most affluent society that had ever been created when the baby boom generation was young. And as a result of this created affluency the young people rebelled against the existing dark ages. The old world order. It terrified the old world order because this generation, these are the workers for the next 30 years. We need them to obey. We need them to feed our economy and our whole way. So but it was based upon affluency, so they said, and to effect, a redistribution of the wealth. The redistribution of the wealth, the first step of it took place in the form of an energy crisis in the 70s. See so the price of oil went up. And all good Americans said well it’s the Arabs, we’ll blame the Arabs, we accept that reasoning, it’s the Arabs. And then along with the price of the oil, so that meant the price of everything went up. Everything. Because this baby boom generation is maturing, they’re getting families, they’re getting these responsibilities, so tighten the economic noose. Because the other danger of this baby boom generation is that at some point through maturing and the natural process they’re gonna be the only ones alive. See and all those other ones will be gone. So in order to make sure that their rules still stand they had another redistribution of the wealth to take care of the ’80s. We call it excessive Pentagon military spending, and savings and loan. But that was an act of treason, it was a political act with a criminal face-painting. But it was an act of treason. Anyway so these billions and billions of dollars are robbed through these two decades. So that by the time the baby boom generation can assume what is defined as political power, economic power has been removed about ten generations. And welcome to the neon fiefdom.

And Bill, see Bill doesn’t get it. He truly doesn’t. Bill and Hillary are busy playing the Cleavers. And see, that world excludes the majority of the world. When you play the Cleavers. It’s all Ward, June, Beaver and Molly. And Eddie. Takes care of it. It’s got nothing to do with our realities and our responsibilities.

We have the ability and we must take responsibility to do the best that we can with the best that we got. And understand we’re in the right time and in the right place and if we will allow ourselves to use our minds as clearly and coherently as we possibly can we will affect the change that must come. We are a part of evolution and that’s the way that it is. Now the way that this murderous society, because I’m gonna use these kind of words because to me when you poison the life support environments, the air and the water and you make it so that it’s unfit to use and you can no longer use it then that to me is murder. So we make the decision ourselves how we’re going to deal with it but first we have to trust ourselves enough to use our minds as clearly and coherently as we can. And all the rest of it will fall into place. It will all fall into place.

The earth is a living entity. Earth is not death. Earth is life. If the earth was death then we would have no life. So earth is a living entity and if we would just allow ourselves to open up, and however way we figure out to do it, we can tap into that. The consciousness. It’s a matter of whether we’re willing to accept that reality. But you watch. If you notice historically people reach a state of powerlessness when they no longer have a relationship to the land. See and for us we have to make decisions now. Are we going to be good human beings or are we going to be good citizens. And it can’t be both. I didn’t create those rules. I didn’t make them up. The reality is they are there. And if we do not lie to ourselves, if we will tell ourselves the truth then we will understand we can’t be both. Because the rules of civilization don’t allow it. They prevent it. Because the way their laws are applied, we cannot do both. So we will see if our genetic memories activate. We will see if we remember that we come from a people, no matter who we are, that are older than this civilization.

What we need to evolve towards is understanding that the way to live with the earth is in the tribal. With a tribal perception. To live in harmony with the earth and keep the harmony the best that we can. We can evolve to that situation. We can make the technology and all of these things change to that situation, but the situation has to change. It’s going to change. If we just allow it to eat our spirit and erase our brains and our thought process then the change will come, the earth will change, and we don’t get to have this anymore. Or the opportunity is, we are now the antibiotic to this disease that’s infesting the world. See the world has now created an antibiotic. Our generation. So if we will use our minds then we can influence the change. But anyway you cut it, it can’t stay as it is.

[John Trudell reads one of his poems]

I thank you. The time gets long and I thank you for putting up with the long time.

[John Trudell reads one of his poems]

…and I thank you for your time.

SOURCE: Evergreen State College