American Indian Activists Afraid to Go Home | September 5, 1979

“They said we are a revolutionary movement dedicated to the overthrow of the U.S. government. We are activists concerned with conditions on our reservations. We are advocating the establishment of law and order…The conditions are getting worse and worse for our people in the ‘States…The violence is worse, the jailings are worse, the poverty is worse. Our land base is dwindling. The political attacks are worse.”

“If any people are going to be skeptical about what is happening, let them ask what they would do in my shoes. We understand that the odds are against us, that people don’t want to believe they are coexisting with a country like that.” 

SOURCE: The Province

Indian Activist Accuses U.S. of ‘Kill the Indian’ Mentality | September 5, 1979

“Kill the wild Indians. It is the way they wage war on us now.” 

“We are not a threat. We are not the enemy of the Canadian people. We just want our rights, our natural rights.”

“They lie about everything. They lied about Cambodia, Watergate and pay-offs to corporations. They also lie about us, saying we are radical and militant.” ~

SOURCE: Nanaimo Daily News

Land Rights, Not Uranium Mines | Summer, 1979

American Indian Movement (AIM) leader John Trudell warned the [New Mexico anti-nuclear movement] gathering that just because they knew their cause was righteous did not mean that they would overcome the oppressor.

“We are worried that if the people do not come together in a conscientious and purposeful way in this movement, there may not be another time. If you are going to fight the enemy through the anti-nuclear movement, let’s fight them that way, because if we don’t we may have lost touch with our future. This is not just an anti-nuclear movement, this is a movement to free ourselves from the enemy. It is necessary that we have an understanding of our spiritual identity, but this is not a religious crusade. Religion will not free us. It has been the ruling class way to separate you from your true spiritual identity.” ~

SOURCE: Akwesasne Notes Vol. 11 No. 3

Conference Brings Out Pros, Cons On N-Energy. | April 25, 1979

Regarding uranium mining and energy development in South Dakota. John Trudell addressed the issue as seen by Indians on South Dakota reservations. His remarks pinpointed the emotional side of the issue. 

The government is allowing the beginning of the death cycle. They are tampering with human life when they want to bring that stuff out of the ground. And the phrase ‘maximize profits’ is the culprit. The people of South Dakota should have a hard talk with their governor. While he was telling you he was protecting you from the Indians, he was receiving letters of intent from TVA and Union Carbide to start mining here. [Bill] Janklow is going to make South Dakota a graveyard. The governor and the legislature will blame each other while they sell you down the river. [Mining plans] are an attack against the earth. South Dakota is being termed a National Sacrifice Area and they are telling you it’s in the name of progress. Beware of this thing called the Department of Energy and beware of this, it has its own police force. In the final analysis radiation is not bigoted, it will rub us all out. It will rub out everything. Women will especially have to make a hard commitment. And it would be in your best interest to get politicians to make a public commitment. ~

SOURCE: Lead Daily Call

The Black Panther Intercommunal News Service | 1979

John Trudell, gave a rousing speech about the use of racism by the corporations and the press to keep people divided. He said to non-Native supporters in the audience: ‘‘We want you to understand, we are not your enemy, we never have been. We have been made to not respect each other.’’ ~

SOURCE: Black Panther Intercommunal News Service, Vol. XIX No.9