Press Conference/Speech with John Trudell And Lanada Means Reflecting on Native American Treatment and Protest | November 20, 1970

JOHN TRUDELL: November 20, 1969 we came with 89 people to Alcatraz for the purpose of taking the island for all Indian people to have a place we could call Indian land. This tiny island represents freedom for all Indian people living in the Americas known as Canada, the United States, Mexico and South America. These are all our great lands of the Indian peoples now held in bondage by alien governments. We have been here one year occupying this island which represents our fight to live as free people in our own country. Our fight for this island representing freedom for all Indian peoples is nonviolent. We came to this island unarmed prepared to give our lives if necessary.

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Racism and Political Power | October 18, 1970

The program is The Associated Students of the University of Oregon Presents Racism. Taped at the University of Oregon by KBO-FM Portland, during the week of October 18th, 1970. This program includes the first part of a panel Wednesday morning during a week long symposium sponsored by the associated students, with the moderator, Art Jenkins, Gloria Gonzalez of the Chicano Student Union, Frank Martinez, of the Valley Migrant League, John Trudell, of Indians of All Tribes at Alcatraz Island, Kent Ford, from the Black Panther Party in Portland, Charles Evers, mayor of Fayette, Mississippi, and David Sanchez, Prime Minister of the Brown Berets from Los Angeles…The next speaker is John Trudell, from Indians of All Tribes on Alcatraz Island… 

Continue reading “Racism and Political Power | October 18, 1970”

Interview with John Trudell at Fisherman’s Wharf | 1970

John Trudell: As long as it doesn’t get hot out there. See it’s, like the way it is right now with us with the water situation is we don’t have enough water to flush our toilets we have to haul seawater to do this, we don’t have enough water to keep the island as clean as we want to because we’ve got to ration it. Because we are hauling it and we have to ration the water because, because anything could happen and it’s like what if they come in and try to take us off and we want to barricade ourselves in a building we’ve got to have water to hold out with. But we’re not going to, and besides that, everybody should have water. I mean God gave it to the land and we have a right to it. He didn’t give it to the United States government. 

Continue reading “Interview with John Trudell at Fisherman’s Wharf | 1970”

John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | August 11, 1970

Well, I guess there has been what you would call quite a bit of action going on concerning Alcatraz, a lot of activity somewhere. On the island itself, we are in good shape, we have quite a few people, morale is high, everyone is happy, so I guess we really couldn’t ask for much more than that. Well, we could, but we’ve got a working system going here and we are content with that. As far as the other side, now, we have been getting a lot of attacks, verbal attacks by Thomas Hannon, the GSA regional director, here in San Francisco. He is trying to paint a really ugly picture of us so that he can justify something that is going to happen to us, something that is not going to be too good for us I guess. I don’t know. We will see what happens.

Continue reading “John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | August 11, 1970”

Alcatraz Indians Flatly Refuse Government Proposal: Tribe Rejects Being Museum Pieces or Tourist Attractions | August 4, 1970

“We will no longer be museum pieces, tourist attractions and politicians’ playthings. There will be no park on this island because it changes the whole meaning of what we are here for. Our answer at this time, and at any other time, is an emphatic no.” 

“Government officials were doing what they have done in the past, which is to do our thinking for us and run things their way.” 

“Our dead never die.”

“We feel it is our obligation as Indians of All Tribes, Inc., and to the Indian people to ask the government to submit a counterproposal to the proposal we gave them. We will give them until May 11th to do this. We will negotiate on money and the time and the day that they will turn over the deed to this island. That is all that is negotiable.” ~

SOURCE: Desert Sun, p. 3. Volume 43, Number 210

John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | August 4, 1970

Number one, everything on the island is in pretty good shape. Everyone out here is in good spirits, good mood, high morale, the baby is fine. Quite a few things are in the news today, I guess. The number one thing was in yesterday’s newspaper, I believe, or on the news yesterday, about the government, Congress, has authorized the Coast Guard, or someone, to restore power to the lighthouse because of the pressure put on them by the unions, the waterfront unions in San Francisco, the maritime union. And that is really pretty strange, you know. All of these unions in San Francisco can put pressure on the government to restore power. But Indian people can’t put enough pressure on the government to give Indian people title to the island.

Continue reading “John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | August 4, 1970”

John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | July, 1970

It’s been kind of warm out here the last couple of days and the water has been bad in the late afternoon. Our boat is barely holding together at some times, but we make it. The situation is still the same as far as water and electricity with the government. We had a man come out and repair some of our generators, so our electrical situation isn’t as bad as it was last week. Buffy St. Marie bought us 400 gallons of water and sent it up, and we are working right now in any way possible to pick up some more, some way.

Continue reading “John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | July, 1970”

John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | July, 1970

Everything out here is in good shape except for our water supply. We are running into a hassle on that. The government still hasn’t eased up on us and given us any water. But the morale is still high. Everyone is still behind what we are doing. We are making arrangements now to see what we can do, to see if we can get someone to intervene and maybe supply us with some water. The weather has been cold, except for the past couple of days the sun has been shining. The cold weather has been to our advantage, because, without enough water, if the heat were to come out here we would be in real trouble. But with God on our side, the weather has been cold, although it is kind of a hardship at times. We could use wood, I guess, things to burn. Another bit of good news is that we are expecting to have a birth out here on the island, sometime within the next forty-eight hours. It’s my wife who’s going to be having a son, maybe.

Source: Johnson, Troy R, The Occupation of Alcatraz Island. 1996

John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | June, 1970

Right now everything on the island is fine. We are in good shape morally. Morale is high and we are still in the same position as far as electricity goes. We had our lighthouse burned out, we blew some bulbs a couple of nights ago when we went without a lighthouse for a night, but things are running all right again. But our biggest problem we have now is running into this deal about water. We are out of water. I think we have fifty gallons of water left and that is it. So now our biggest worry is getting water. We need water because we have children out here. We need the water for them. We need the water for ourselves.

Continue reading “John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | June, 1970”

John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | June 2, 1970

Here is what happened last night, June 1, 1970. We had a fire that burnt down the warden’s home, the old clinic, and the old lighthouse building. All that is left of the lighthouse building or the lighthouse is a long skinny thing with a light on the end that sticks up in the air. That is all that was burned. The next question was how did the fire start, do you know? No, we don’t know that. All we know was that at about 10:30 last night that it started and that it finally died out this morning. We tried to keep the lighthouse from going, but it went, and there was nothing we could do about it. We didn’t have any water to fight it with and by the time the Coast Guard came it was too late for them to do anything, so we didn’t let them come on the island. They asked if they could land. We told them no and they stayed off, away from the shore. They couldn’t save the buildings, they were already too far gone to be saved.

Continue reading “John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | June 2, 1970”

John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | May 27, 1970

T. E. Hannon made a statement yesterday that they had met with us over thirty times. That’s kind of weird, because I’ve never seen him around, except for about three times. I can actually name things that were said. Yeah, well, anyway, we told the government, no, we don’t plan on leaving. Well, the situation was, they said that it’s [Alcatraz] going to be a national park with an Indian flavor and that they were removing their officials from the lighthouse. They encouraged us to leave too. So today they cut off the electricity, and yesterday they took our water barge. We were told we’d get it back by today, so we would have plenty of water for the weekend. This is the story we were told, then they ripped us off. They took off with that water barge. Took the GSA personnel off the island. There are only Indians here now.

Continue reading “John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | May 27, 1970”

John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | April 30, 1970

As far as the island, we’re holding up pretty well. We have been working pretty closely with the [Bay Area Native American Council] organization here. BANAC was formed by the Indian groups and the service organizations in the Bay Area to deal with the Alcatraz situation, and Alcatraz is a part of BANAC. BANAC has helped us to establish a refrigerator over at the depot, on Pier 40, and things can be brought there, contributions, whatever you feel that we deserve, and we will try to liberate ourselves from the federal government and gain some kind of self-determination.

Continue reading “John Trudell: Radio Free Alcatraz | April 30, 1970”

Alcatraz Indians Reject Park Plan | April 9, 1970

“A center for Native American studies aimed at imparting skills and knowledge to improve the lives and spirits of all Indians. A spiritual center, which would practice ancient tribal religious and healing ceremonies. A center of ecology, to train young people to restore lands and waters to their natural state. A training school. A museum that would depict Indian food and cultural contributions and show the noble and tragic events of Indian history, including the broken treaties, the documentary of the Trail of Tears, the massacre of Wounded Knee, as well as the victory over yellow hair Custer and his army.” – John Trudell on the complex proposed by the Indians. ~


Radio Free Alcatraz – Interview with Douglas Remmington and Linda Aranaydo | 12/31/1969 – 1/5/1970

JOHN TRUDELL: Good evening and welcome to Indian Land Radio on Alcatraz Island. This is John Trudell welcoming you on behalf of Indians of All tribes. Tonight we have with us Mr. Douglas Remington, and Linda Aranaydo. They’re working with the school that we have on the island We’ll be talking with them in a couple of minutes.

Continue reading “Radio Free Alcatraz – Interview with Douglas Remmington and Linda Aranaydo | 12/31/1969 – 1/5/1970”

John Trudell speaks with Vernon W. Conway prior to George Brown interview by Earl Livermore. | 1969

JOHN TRUDELL: Good evening and welcome to Indian Land Radio from Alcatraz Island. This is John Trudell welcoming you on behalf of the Indians of All Tribes. Tonight we’ve got quite a busy evening. At seven-thirty, Congressman George Brown, the Democrat from Los Angeles, we will be speaking with him. Earl Livermore, the coordinator for the Alcatraz Movement is here, and we will be speaking with Congressman Brown about the resolution that he and ten other Congressmen introduced into Congress urging Mr. Nixon to start negotiations with the people of Alcatraz so that they can turn the island over to us. And also, there have been no further reports on the accident that happened to Yvonne Oakes. There have been no further reports on this. She is still listed in a critical condition, I believe. 

Continue reading “John Trudell speaks with Vernon W. Conway prior to George Brown interview by Earl Livermore. | 1969”

How it All Got Started | November, 1969

From November 20, 1969, the Indians of All Tribes occupied Alcatraz Island off the coast of San Francisco, California. The Alcatraz takeover was done to protest federal laws that contradicted historic land treaties with the Indians and aimed to destroy American Indian cultures, including the right of tribes to self-govern. This occupation was the first of its kind and inspired Native Americans to fight for their civil rights, as well as expose their issues to the North American public.

Radio Free Alcatraz was conceived to give a voice to the voiceless minority of Native Americans. On December 22, 1969, KPFA began its first live broadcast from Alcatraz under the direction of John Trudell with borrowed and donated radio equipment. The programs originated from the main cell block building on Alcatraz and were carried live by the Pacifica Network, which consisted, at the time, of KPFA, Berkeley; KPFK, Los Angeles; and WBAI, New York, weekday evenings at 7:15 p.m. PST.