The present state of the American Indian Movement: An interview with John Trudell by Red Sun | September 27, 1973

RED SUN: We’re talking to John Trudell here, co-Chairman of AIM. We’re gonna ask him a few questions about the incident at Rosebud with Carter and Clyde Bellecourt.

JOHN TRUDELL: Well, our official stand on the whole incident is, its a governmental conspiracy. And we’re talking about being a conspiracy from looking at past government actions and treatment toward Indian peoples. We’re talking about it being conspiracy in the sense that American Indian Movement has been talking about Indian peoples treaty rights, and more basic than that, we’ve been talking about Indian People’s human rights. Our human right to dignity, self respect, our right to respect from other people. Talking about our rights to raise our children, our own way.

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Alcatraz Radio to Go on the Air | December 21, 1969

Radio Free Alcatraz will start broadcasting 15 minutes a day on Monday from the former penitentiary over a Berkeley radio station. Al Silbowitz, manager of listener-owned station KPFA-FM, said Thursday. “We’re just offering them the outlet. We don’t want to crowd them and we’re not telling them what do; we want it to be their thing. John Trudell, a Santee Sioux from Nebraska who is among the American Indians who have seized the island in San Francisco Bay, will direct the program. It will include Native American culture, current events, and lessons on Indian history. The program is tentatively scheduled for 8 pm.” Silbowitz said it would also be heard over KPFA’s sister station in Los Angeles, KPFK.


How it All Got Started | November, 1969

From November 20, 1969, the Indians of All Tribes occupied Alcatraz Island off the coast of San Francisco, California. The Alcatraz takeover was done to protest federal laws that contradicted historic land treaties with the Indians and aimed to destroy American Indian cultures, including the right of tribes to self-govern. This occupation was the first of its kind and inspired Native Americans to fight for their civil rights, as well as expose their issues to the North American public.

Radio Free Alcatraz was conceived to give a voice to the voiceless minority of Native Americans. On December 22, 1969, KPFA began its first live broadcast from Alcatraz under the direction of John Trudell with borrowed and donated radio equipment. The programs originated from the main cell block building on Alcatraz and were carried live by the Pacifica Network, which consisted, at the time, of KPFA, Berkeley; KPFK, Los Angeles; and WBAI, New York, weekday evenings at 7:15 p.m. PST.