Racism and Political Power | October 18, 1970

The program is The Associated Students of the University of Oregon Presents Racism. Taped at the University of Oregon by KBO-FM Portland, during the week of October 18th, 1970. This program includes the first part of a panel Wednesday morning during a week long symposium sponsored by the associated students, with the moderator, Art Jenkins, Gloria Gonzalez of the Chicano Student Union, Frank Martinez, of the Valley Migrant League, John Trudell, of Indians of All Tribes at Alcatraz Island, Kent Ford, from the Black Panther Party in Portland, Charles Evers, mayor of Fayette, Mississippi, and David Sanchez, Prime Minister of the Brown Berets from Los Angeles…The next speaker is John Trudell, from Indians of All Tribes on Alcatraz Island… 

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