Trial By Fire American Indian Movement Co-Founder John Trudell Finds a Life Line in Words and Music | June 17, 1992

“What happened to my family tells me that I was closer to the truth than even I knew.”

“Not having a permanent address sounds great, but it has its drawbacks, believe me.”

“What my FBI file reflects to me is their absurdity…Seventeen thousand pages is a lot of trees to assassinate to spy on someone. On the other hand, I don’t know how many agents I’m keeping off the streets, but if they’re spying on me, at least they’re not out killing someone else.”

“I identify with no political organization…Politics are based on competition at at time when we need cooperation. They’re based on control when we need free thought. They’re based on ego at a time when we don’t need any more of that.”

“I don’t need to adhere to a party line, even if it’s our party, for a false sense of unity.”

“We don’t need leaders or healers now; we need teachers. When people become leaders, they start liking the perks too much. And at the same time, having leaders means that the followers don’t have to take responsibility.”

“I really can’t sing or dance…And to deal with the practical reality of it, I don’t really know how to play a note either.”

“But for me, talking and music go together. Both can communicate feelings. So for me, being onstage with a rock band is like a hallucination. So when Thunderheart came up, I said, ‘Why not?’ I wanted to see what it was like to do someone else’s lines.”

“I’ve thought about leaving, but where would I go? If everyone looks the other way, that’s their choice. But there is a price to be paid for priceless things. When your government and society turn authoritarian, regardless of their past record, then you’re handing your children and grandchildren over to a monster. ~

SOURCE: Phoenix New Times