“When I basically look at politics, it’s too competitive and confrontational. It’s the nature of it. It’s very territorial, and at some point you have to adhere to the party line.”
“Through the music, the edge is taken off, and I think that we need to find a way to communicate with each other as human beings, without those edges.”
“My main means of communication is through this form. It’s the most effective leaflet I’ve found.”
“Singing was never a part of the idea to me. My feeling about it was that if I could find a way to use rhythm or rhyme in spoken word lines, they should be compatible to music.”
“What always threw me off was that A&R people would get it, and they would relate to it, and even various artists would get it, but the suits in the boardrooms couldn’t connect with it. I think they’re programmed to hear a certain sound, and no one really wants to take the initiative to be more experimental.”
“For one thing, I think that maybe the realities that are addressed in my material are more evident now. During the ’80s, with Reaganism and the whole economic situation that was created, basically what was happening was structured escapism.”
“With this pretend war that took place in the Mideast, the savings and loan industry, where someone came in and looted the economy and the doors were open to them, and hate is being pushed – I just think that there’s more of an awareness right now.”
“The way I perceive the reality…is that America will have to face itself. Chief Seattle said it 100 years ago: ‘They’ll smother in their own waste.'”
SOURCE: The Tampa Tribune