“Valley College Speaker Seeks Aid for Indians” [excerpts]| January 8, 1970

“We want the Island for Indian purposes. We haven’t got a single thing left in this country that the white society hasn’t trampled somehow. They’ve taken our land, our fishing rights, they’ve polluted our air, our water, they’ve swept us under their dirty little rugs. But we’ve got Alcatraz, and they’re not getting it back.” 

“We’re gaining some, but [Secretary of the Interior Walter J.] Hickle still says he won’t negotiate with us until we leave the island, and that’s absurd. Because if we leave the island, we lose all our bargaining power.”

“We don’t want people associating us with any one group or party. This is an Indian movement, not a Republican or Democratic one.” 

“They’re the ones who want to get elected right now.” – Trudell on support coming from Democrats.

SOURCE: https://cdnc.ucr.edu/?a=d&d=SBS19700108